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INI File  |  2006-08-30  |  28KB  |  655 lines

  1. [LANGRES]
  2. MSG_Relpace_Existing_Preset=Replace existing preset?
  3. MSG_Relpace_Existing_Preset_Title=Overwrite preset?
  4. MSG_Del_Preset=Are you sure you wish to delete this preset?
  5. MSG_Del_Preset_Title=Delete preset?
  6. MSG_Preset=Preset:
  7. MSG_Add= Add...
  8. MSG_Remove= Remove
  9. MSG_Help= Help
  10. MSG_OK= OK
  11. MSG_Cancel = Cancel
  12. MSG_dB= dB
  13. MSG_Amplify= Amplify
  14. MSG_Amplification= Amplification:
  15. MSG_Left= Left:
  16. MSG_Right=Right:
  17. MSG_AddNoise= Add Noise
  18. MSG_AmplitudeTitle= Amplitude, in db
  19. MSG_NoiseType= Type of noise:
  20. MSG_WhiteNoise= White Noise
  21. MSG_GaussianNoise=Gaussian Noise
  22. MSG_Unregisterd= Unregistered!
  23. MSG_App_Version= (version 8.5)
  24. MSG_App_Name= Music Fan's Factory
  25. MSG_CopyrightWarning=Warning: This computer program is protected by copyright law and international treaties. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this program mat result in severe civil and criminal penalties and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under law.
  26. MSG_CopyRight= Copyrihght(c) 2000-2006 Color7 Tech.
  27. MSG_Homepage= http://www.color7tech.com/
  28. MSG_Support_Email= support@color7tech.com
  29. MSG_LisencedTo= This product is lisenced to:
  30. MSG_NameTitle= User name:
  31. MSG_CompanyTitle= Company:
  32. MSG_About_Captain= About
  33. MSG_AddPreset_Captain=Add Preset
  34. MSG_Please_Enter=Please enter the name for the new preset
  35. MSG_BandPass= Band Pass
  36. MSG_Steepness=Steepness, in percent:
  37. MSG_Frequency=Frequency:
  38. MSG_HZ=Hz
  39. MSG_100=%
  40. MSG_HighPass=High Pass
  41. MSG_HighShelf=High Shelf
  42. MSG_Gain=Gain, in db:
  43. MSG_LowPass=Low Pass
  44. MSG_LowShelf=Low Shelf
  45. MSG_Normalize=Normalize
  46. MSG_NormalizeTitle=Normalize rate, in percent:
  47. MSG_Adjust=DC Bias Adjust
  48. MSG_Chorus=Chorus
  49. MSG_DelayTitle=Delay time (1 to 1,000ms):
  50. MSG_Sweepphase=Sweep phase, in radian:
  51. MSG_MixTitle=Mix depth, in percent:
  52. MSG_FeedbackTitle=Feedback gain, in percent:
  53. MSG_SweepdepthTitle=Sweep depth, in percent:
  54. MSG_SweeprateTitle=Sweep rate, in percent:
  55. MSG_MS=ms
  56. MSG_Radian=radian
  57. MSG_Compressor=Compressor
  58. MSG_Threshold=Thres hold:
  59. MSG_Compressorrate=Compressor rate:
  60. MSG_RMStime=RMS time:
  61. MSG_ConvertType_Caption=Convert Sample Type
  62. MSG_Frequency2=Frequency
  63. MSG_Channels=Channels:
  64. MSG_Mono=Mono
  65. MSG_Stereo=Stereo
  66. MSG_BitPerSample=Bit Per Sample
  67. MSG_Bit=bit
  68. MSG_Delay=Delay
  69. MSG_DelayTimeTitle=Delay time:
  70. MSG_DepthTitle=Mix depth:
  71. MSG_FeedbackTitle2=Feedback gain:
  72. MSG_Thank_You=Thank you for choosing %s. This demo version has now been unlocked as a fully functional version.#13#13Please keep your Registration Key in a safe place so that you can unlock the software again if you need to reistall it.
  73. MSG_Thank_You_Title=Thank you!
  74. MSG_Invalid_Code=The registration key you entered is invalid. Please check the key to make sure that it was entered correctly.#13#13Notice: Don't order the code again. Please contact support (%s) if the code is still not being acceped.
  75. MSG_Invalid_Code_Title=Invalid registration key!
  76. MSG_Enter_Key_Caption=Enter Key
  77. MSG_Enter_Key_Explain=Please complete the following boxes with the information you received from us to unlock the full version of %s.
  78. MSG_Enter_Key_Name=Full Name:
  79. MSG_Enter_Key_Organization=Organization:
  80. MSG_Enter_Key_Code=Registration Key:
  81. MSG_DeleteSilence=Delete Silence
  82. MSG_AttacktimeTitle=Attack time:
  83. MSG_ReleaseTimeTitle=Release time:
  84. MSG_Expander=Expander
  85. MSG_ExpanderRateTitle=Expander rate:
  86. MSG_Fade =Fade
  87. MSG_StartTitle=Start:
  88. MSG_EndTitle=End:
  89. MSG_DelayRateTitle=Delay rate, in percent:
  90. MSG_Flanger=Flanger
  91. MSG_SMPL=smpl
  92. MSG_Fre_Analy_Caption=Frequency Analysis
  93. MSG_Cursor=Cursor
  94. MSG_Fre=Freq:
  95. MSG_Value=Value:
  96. MSG_FFTSize=FFT Size:
  97. MSG_Window=Window:
  98. MSG_ViewType=View Type:
  99. MSG_Window_1=None
  100. MSG_Window_2=Welch
  101. MSG_Window_3=Barlett
  102. MSG_Window_4=Hanning
  103. MSG_Window_5=Hamming
  104. MSG_ViewType_1=Analog
  105. MSG_ViewType_2=Linear
  106. MSG_ViewType_3=Normal
  107. MSG_ViewType_4=Fire
  108. MSG_ViewType_5=Glass
  109. MSG_ViewType_6=Kryptonite
  110. MSG_InsertSilence=Insert Silence
  111. MSG_DurationOfSilence=Duration of silence, in ms
  112. MSG_Second=Second
  113. MSG_Seconds=Seconds
  114. MSG_Minute=Minute
  115. MSG_Minutes=Minutes
  116. MSG_Mix=Mix
  117. MSG_AmplificationFor=Amplification percent for,
  118. MSG_SelectedTitle=Selected part:
  119. MSG_BufferTitle=Audio in the buffer:
  120. MSG_MixStereoChannels=Mix Stereo Channels
  121. MSG_LeftChannel=New left channel:
  122. MSG_RightChannel=New right channel:
  123. MSG_NewSample=New Sample
  124. MSG_SamplerRate=Sample rate(6,000 to 96,000 Hz):
  125. MSG_BitDepth=Bit-depth:
  126. MSG_Current=Current:
  127. MSG_Float=float
  128. MSG_OutOfRange_Caption=Value Out Of Range
  129. MSG_OUTOFRANGE=The value you have enterd, "%s", is ourside the limites of %d and %d. The closest valid value will be substituted in its place.
  130. MSG_Red=Entered text will appear red when it is ourside the range of valid valaues.
  131. MSG_DoNotDisplay=Don't display this message in the future
  132. MSG_NotchFilter=Notch Filter
  133. MSG_Start_Caption=Welcome to %s
  134. MSG_Create=Create a new file
  135. MSG_OpenExisting=Open an existing file
  136. MSG_RecordFormCard=Record from sound card
  137. MSG_Recentfiles=Recent files:
  138. MSG_NoRecentfiles=No recent file.
  139. MSG_Clear=Clear file list
  140. MSG_Mp3adv_Quality= Current quality: %d
  141. MSG_Mp3adv_Bitrate= Current bitrate: %d kbit
  142. MSG_Mp3adv_Captain = MP3 Advanced Option
  143. MSG_Mp3adv_Page0 = General
  144. MSG_Mp3adv_Page1 = Filtering
  145. MSG_Mp3adv_Page2 = VBR
  146. MSG_Mp3adv_Page3 = Expert
  147. MSG_Mp3adv_Channels = Channels
  148. MSG_Mp3adv_Frequency = Frequency (Hz)
  149. MSG_Mp3adv_Encoderquality = Encoder Quality
  150. MSG_Mp3adv_Better = Better
  151. MSG_Mp3adv_Faster = Faster
  152. MSG_Mp3adv_Bitrate_ = Bitrate
  153. MSG_Mp3adv_Channels_0 = Mono
  154. MSG_Mp3adv_Channels_1 = Stereo
  155. MSG_Mp3adv_Channels_2 = Joint Stereo
  156. MSG_Mp3adv_Channels_3 = Forced Joint Stereo
  157. MSG_Mp3adv_Channels_4 = Dual Channels
  158. MSG_Mp3adv_Hightfilter = HighPass Filter
  159. MSG_Mp3adv_Hightfilter_fre = Highpass filtering frequency (in Hz):
  160. MSG_Mp3adv_Hightfilter_width = Width of Highpass filter (in Hz):
  161. MSG_Mp3adv_Lowfilter = LowPass Filter
  162. MSG_Mp3adv_Lowfilter_fre = Lowpass filtering frequency (in Hz):
  163. MSG_Mp3adv_Lowfilter_width = Width of Lowpass filter (in Hz):
  164. MSG_Mp3adv_Coding_Method  = Coding Method:
  165. MSG_Mp3adv_Max_VBR_bitrate  = Maximum VBR Bitrate
  166. MSG_Mp3adv_Advanced  = Advanced
  167. MSG_Mp3adv_Write_VBR_Header  = Write VBR Header
  168. MSG_Mp3adv_Strictly  = Strictly enforce minimum bitrate
  169. MSG_Mp3adv_VBR_Quality  = VBR Quality:
  170. MSG_Mp3adv_Targed_Bitrate  = Target bitrate for ABR:
  171. MSG_Mp3adv_Coding_Method_0  = None
  172. MSG_Mp3adv_Coding_Method_1  = Default
  173. MSG_Mp3adv_Coding_Method_2  = Old
  174. MSG_Mp3adv_Coding_Method_3  = New
  175. MSG_Mp3adv_Coding_Method_4  = MTRH
  176. MSG_Mp3adv_Coding_Method_5  = ABR
  177. MSG_Mp3adv_Include = Include CRC-Checksums
  178. MSG_Mp3adv_Comply = Comply as much as possible to ISO MPEG spec
  179. MSG_Mp3adv_Allow_Block = Allow block types to differ between channels
  180. MSG_Mp3adv_Short_Blocks = Short blocks
  181. MSG_Mp3adv_Bit_Reservoir = Bit reservoir
  182. MSG_Mp3adv_ATH_Control = ATH Control:
  183. MSG_Mp3adv_De_Emphasis = De-emphasis:
  184. MSG_Mp3adv_ATHcontrol_0 = Default
  185. MSG_Mp3adv_ATHcontrol_1 = Only
  186. MSG_Mp3adv_ATHcontrol_2 = Disabled
  187. MSG_Mp3adv_ATHcontrol_3 = Only for short blocks
  188. MSG_Mp3adv_De_Emphasis_0 = Default
  189. MSG_Mp3adv_De_Emphasis_1 = 0/15 microseconds
  190. MSG_Mp3adv_De_Emphasis_2 = citt j.17
  191. MSG_SET_Default=Really set all parameter to default?
  192. MSG_SET_Default_Title=Set default?
  193. MSG_Incalid_OggBit= Invalid OGG bitrate: Nominal bitrate "%s", Min bitrate: "%s", Max bitrate: "%s"#13#13Please make sure that Mix bitrate <(or=) Nominal bitrate <(or=) Max bitrate.
  194. MSG_Incalid_OggBit_Title=Invalid OGG Bitrate
  195. MSG_Wma_Profile_0=WMA9 192kbps, 48 khz, Stereo, CBR
  196. MSG_Wma_Profile_1=WMA9 160kbps, 48 khz, Stereo, CBR
  197. MSG_Wma_Profile_2=WMA9 12kbps, 48 khz, Stereo, CBR
  198. MSG_Wma_Profile_3=WMA9 96kbps, 48 khz, Stereo, CBR
  199. MSG_Wma_Profile_4=WMA9 64kbps, 48 khz, Stereo, CBR
  200. MSG_Wma_Profile_5=WMA9 320kbps, 44 khz, Stereo, CBR
  201. MSG_Wma_Profile_6=WMA9 256kbps, 44 khz, Stereo, CBR
  202. MSG_Wma_Profile_7=WMA9 192kbps, 44 khz, Stereo, CBR
  203. MSG_Wma_Profile_8=WMA9 160kbps, 44 khz, Stereo, CBR
  204. MSG_Wma_Profile_9=WMA9 128kbps, 44 khz, Stereo, CBR
  205. MSG_Wma_Profile_10=WMA9 96kbps, 44 khz, Stereo, CBR
  206. MSG_Wma_Profile_11=WMA9 80kbps, 44 khz, Stereo, CBR
  207. MSG_Wma_Profile_12=WMA9 64kbps, 44 khz, Stereo, CBR
  208. MSG_Wma_Profile_13=WMA9 48kbps, 44 khz, Stereo, CBR
  209. MSG_Wma_Profile_14=WMA9 32kbps, 44 khz, Stereo, CBR
  210. MSG_Wma_Profile_15=WMA9 48kbps, 44 khz, Mono, CBR
  211. MSG_Wma_Profile_16=WMA9 32kbps, 44 khz, Mono, CBR
  212. MSG_Wma_Profile_17=WMA9 20kbps, 44 khz, Mono, CBR
  213. MSG_Wma_Profile_18=WMA9 48kbps, 32 khz, Stereo, CBR
  214. MSG_Wma_Profile_19=WMA9 40kbps, 32 khz, Stereo, CBR
  215. MSG_Wma_Profile_20=WMA9 32kbps, 32 khz, Stereo, CBR
  216. MSG_Wma_Profile_21=WMA9 20kbps, 32 khz, Mono, CBR
  217. MSG_Wma_Profile_22=WMA9 32kbps, 22 khz, Stereo, CBR
  218. MSG_Wma_Profile_23=WMA9 22kbps, 22 khz, Stereo, CBR
  219. MSG_Wma_Profile_24=WMA9 20kbps, 22 khz, Stereo, CBR
  220. MSG_Wma_Profile_25=WMA9 20kbps, 22 khz, Mono, CBR
  221. MSG_Wma_Profile_26=WMA9 16kbps, 22 khz, Mono, CBR
  222. MSG_Wma_Profile_27=WMA9 20kbps, 16 khz, Stereo, CBR
  223. MSG_Wma_Profile_28=WMA9 16kbps, 16 khz, Stereo, CBR
  224. MSG_Wma_Profile_29=WMA9 16kbps, 16 khz, Mono, CBR
  225. MSG_Wma_Profile_30=WMA9 12kbps, 16 khz, Mono, CBR
  226. MSG_Wma_Profile_31=WMA9 10kbps, 16 khz, Mono, CBR
  227. MSG_Wma_Profile_32=WMA9 10kbps, 11 khz, Mono, CBR
  228. MSG_Wma_Profile_33=WMA9 8kbps, 11 khz, Mono, CBR
  229. MSG_Wma_Profile_34=WMA9 12kbps, 8 khz, Stereo, CBR
  230. MSG_Wma_Profile_35=WMA9 8kbps, 8 khz, Mono, CBR
  231. MSG_Wma_Profile_36=WMA9 6kbps, 8 khz, Mono, CBR
  232. MSG_Wma_Profile_37=WMA9 5kbps, 8 khz, Mono, CBR
  233. MSG_Wma_Profile_38=WMA9 48 khz, Stereo, VBR Quality 98
  234. MSG_Wma_Profile_39=WMA9 48 khz, Stereo, VBR Quality 90
  235. MSG_Wma_Profile_40=WMA9 44 khz, Stereo, VBR Quality 98
  236. MSG_Wma_Profile_41=WMA9 44 khz, Stereo, VBR Quality 90
  237. MSG_Wma_Profile_42=WMA9 44 khz, Stereo, VBR Quality 75
  238. MSG_Wma_Profile_43=WMA9 44 khz, Stereo, VBR Quality 50
  239. MSG_Wma_Profile_44=WMA9 44 khz, Stereo, VBR Quality 25
  240. MSG_Wma_Profile_45=WMA9 44 khz, Stereo, VBR Quality 10
  241. MSG_Wma_Profile_46=
  242. MSG_Wma_Profile_47=
  243. MSG_Wma_Profile_48=
  244. MSG_Wma_Profile_49=
  245. MSG_Wma_Profile_50=
  246. MSG_Default=Default
  247. MSG_Sample_Rate=Sample rate:
  248. MSG_Bit_Depth=Bit depth:
  249. MSG_Preset_Quality=Preset Quality:
  250. MSG_Specify_Settings=Specify Settings:
  251. MSG_Nominal_Bitrate=Nominal bitrate:
  252. MSG_Min_Bitrate=Min bitrate:
  253. MSG_Max_Bitrate=Max bitrate:
  254. MSG_KBPS=kbps
  255. MSG_Ogg_Pre_0=Studio Quality, 256kbps, Stereo
  256. MSG_Ogg_Pre_1=CD Quality, 192kbps, Stereo
  257. MSG_Ogg_Pre_2=Hi-Fi Quality, 160kbps, Stereo
  258. MSG_Ogg_Pre_3=Tape Quality, 128kbps, Stereo
  259. MSG_Ogg_Pre_4=FM Quality, 96kbps, Stereo
  260. MSG_Ogg_Pre_5=Voice Quality, 64kbps, Mono
  261. MSG_Mp3_Pre_0=Studio Quality, 256kbps, Stereo
  262. MSG_Mp3_Pre_1=CD Quality, 192kbps, Stereo
  263. MSG_Mp3_Pre_2=Hi-Fi Quality, 160kbps, Stereo
  264. MSG_Mp3_Pre_3=Tape Quality, 128kbps, Stereo
  265. MSG_Mp3_Pre_4=Radio Quality, 112kbps, Stereo
  266. MSG_Mp3_Pre_5=FM Quality, 96kbps, Stereo
  267. MSG_Mp3_Pre_6=Voice Quality, 64kbps, Mono
  268. MSG_Mp3_Pre_7=AM Quality, 32kbps, Mono
  269. MAG_Settings_Low_Quality=Low Quality, Small Size
  270. MAG_Settings_High_Quality=High Quliaty, Large Size
  271. MSG_Settings_Configure=Configure
  272. MSG_Settings_CD_Quality=CD Quality
  273. MSG_Settings_CD_WAV=Choose this option to create wav files compatible with CD audio format in order to burn custom audio cds.
  274. MSG_Settings_Bits_Persample=Bits per sample:
  275. MSG_Settings_Mode=Mode
  276. MSG_Settings_Preset1=Photo Quality
  277. MSG_Settings_Preset2=MPEG 2.5, Layer 3, 16 kbps, Mono
  278. MSG_Settings_Preset3=Shortwave Quality
  279. MSG_Settings_Preset4=MPEG 2.5, Layer 3, 24 kbps, Mono
  280. MSG_Settings_Preset5=AM Quality
  281. MSG_Settings_Preset6=MPEG 2, Layer 3, 32 kbps, Mono
  282. MSG_Settings_Preset7=FM Quality
  283. MSG_Settings_Preset8=MPEG 2, Layer 3, 96 kbps, Joint Stereo
  284. MSG_Settings_Preset9=Voice Quality
  285. MSG_Settings_Preset10=MPEG 1, Layer 3, 64 kbps, Mono
  286. MSG_Settings_Preset11=Radio Quality
  287. MSG_Settings_Preset12=MPEG 1, Layer 3, 112 kbps, Joint Stereo
  288. MSG_Settings_Preset13=Tape Quality
  289. MSG_Settings_Preset14=MPEG 1, Layer 3, 128 kbps, Joint Stereo
  290. MSG_Settings_Preset15=Hi-Fi Quality
  291. MSG_Settings_Preset16=MPEG 1, Layer 3, 160 kbps, Joint Stereo
  292. MSG_Settings_Preset17=CD Quality
  293. MSG_Settings_Preset18=MPEG 1, Layer 3, 192 kbps, Stereo
  294. MSG_Settings_Preset19=Studio Quality
  295. MSG_Settings_Preset20=MPEG 1, Layer 3, 256 kbps, Stereo
  296. MSG_KHZ=khz
  297. MSG_Profile_Name=Profile name:
  298. MSG_Profile_Description=Profile description:
  299. MSG_BIT_RATE=Bit rate:
  300. MSG_Compress_Format=Compress Format:
  301. MSG_PeakEQ=PeakEQ Filter
  302. MSG_Phaser=Phaser
  303. MSG_PitchShift=Pitch Shift
  304. MSG_Frequency_Change=Frequency change rate, in percent
  305. MSG_Properties_Caption =Properties
  306. MSG_Play_Buffer =Play/Record Buffer
  307. MSG_TotalBuffer =Total buffer:
  308. Buffer_Explain =It is the buffer for the following operations with an audio file: Copy, Cut, Paste, Mix. The computers of modern release can work with the maximum value of Buffer Size.
  309. MSG_TempFolderTitle =Temporary Folder:
  310. MSG_Browse =Browse...
  311. MSG_UndoRedoTitle =Undo/Redo
  312. MSG_UndoRedoLevel =Undo/Redo Level
  313. MSG_UndoRedo_Explain =Some large files may cause low memory conditions that could slow down the system. To speed it up you can set Undo/Redo level to 1, but in this case it will be possible to reverse or to restore only the last action. (Range: 0-1000)
  314. MSG_Smooth_Title =Smooth
  315. MSG_Smooth_Enabled =Smooth Enabled
  316. MSG_SmoothTime =Smooth Time:
  317. MSG_Smooth_Explain =Any supported effect has sudden change on the bound. The "Smooth enabled" property ebables smoothing on this bound and bound neighborhood.
  318. MSG_Accu_Control_Title =Accu Control
  319. MSG_Enabled =Enabled
  320. MSG_Attack =Attack
  321. MSG_Time =Time:
  322. MSG_Level =Level:
  323. MSG_Release =Release
  324. MSG_AGCTitle =Auto Gain Control
  325. MSG_LowLevel =Low Level:
  326. MSG_HighLevel =High Level:
  327. MSG_Attack_Time =Attack Time:
  328. MSG_VisiTypeTitle =Visualization Type
  329. MSG_Type1 =Type1
  330. MSG_Type2 =Type2
  331. MSG_Filter =Filter
  332. MSG_System =System
  333. MSG_Transform =Transform
  334. MSG_Recording =Recording
  335. MSG_Incalid_TempPath =Invalid temporary folder: "%s" #13#13Please check.
  336. MSG_Incalid_TempPath_Title =Invalid folder
  337. MSG_Sel_Temp=Select Temp Directory
  338. MSG_Device_Captain=Audio Configuration
  339. MSG_Device_Recordingdev=Line In:
  340. MSG_Device=Device:
  341. MSG_Status_Recroding=Recording
  342. MSG_Status_Pause=Pause
  343. MSG_Status_Title=Status:
  344. MSG_Status_Ready=Ready!
  345. MSG_Record=Record
  346. MSG_Pause=Pause
  347. MSG_Navigation =Navigation
  348. MSG_Record_Type =Record Type:
  349. MSG_Record_Type1 =Mix
  350. MSG_Record_Type2 =Clear
  351. MSG_Keep =Keep
  352. MSG_Test_Period=Test period: day %d of 30
  353. MSG_Test_Period_Expired=Your trial period has expired!
  354. MSG_Purchase=Purchase Now!
  355. MSG_EnterKey=Enter Key
  356. MSG_MoreInfo=More Info
  357. MSG_Keep_Testing=Keep Testing
  358. MSG_Reg_Thank_you=Thank you for using %s! The full version of %s has no time or feature restrictions, and does not display this screen. Order Today!
  359. MSG_Reg_WhatUGet=What You Get for only
  360. MSG_Price=$39.95
  361. MSG_App_Free_Evaluaion=%s Free Evaluation
  362. MSG_Reg_Reason= * Enjoy Music Fan's Factory with no time/feature restrictions!#13* Personal License Key within Minutes#13* Priority Technical Support#13* Free Upgrades
  363. MSG_Reverb=Reverb
  364. MSG_Reverbrationrate=Reverbration rate:
  365. MSG_Set_Selection=Set Selection
  366. MSG_Current_Selection=Current Selection
  367. MSG_All_Sample_Data=All Sample Data
  368. MSG_Cursor_To_End_of_Sample=Cursor To End of Sample
  369. MSG_Cursor_To_Start_of_Sample=Cursor To Start of Sample
  370. MSG_Start=Start:
  371. MSG_End=End:
  372. MSG_Length=Length:
  373. MSG_TimeLabel=hr:mn:sc.xxx
  374. MSG_StretchTime = Stretch Time
  375. MSG_Resample = Resample rate, in percent:
  376. MSG_Trim = Trim
  377. MSG_TrimTime = Time of trim fade
  378. MSG_Type_Trim = Type of trim:
  379. MSG_LeftSide = Left Side
  380. MSG_RightSide = Right Side
  381. MSG_BothSide = Both Side 
  382. MSG_Vibrato = Vibrato
  383. MSG_SweepfrequencyTitle = Sweep frequency
  384. MSG_MB = MB
  385. MSG_Free_Space = %s free
  386. MSG_Open_Process = Loading files...
  387. MSG_ConvertType_Process= Converting sample type...
  388. MSG_Undo_Process= Reversing the last operation...
  389. MSG_Redo_Process= Redoing the last action...
  390. MSG_Cut_Process= Cutting the selection...
  391. MSG_Copy_Process= Copying the selection...
  392. MSG_Paste_Process= Inserting clipboard contents...
  393. MSG_Crop_Process= Cropping the selection...
  394. MSG_Del_Process= Deleting selection...
  395. MSG_Silence_Process= Silencing selection...
  396. MSG_Mix_Process= Mixing...
  397. MSG_PasteFormFile_Process= Inserting a file...
  398. MSG_Trim_Process= Trimming...
  399. MSG_Record_Process= Generating recorded audio data...
  400. MSG_InsertSilence_Process= Inserting silence...
  401. MSG_DelSilence_Process= Deleting silence...
  402. MSG_AddNoise_Process= Adding noise...
  403. MSG_Amplify_Process= Amplifying...
  404. MSG_Fade_Process= Fading...
  405. MSG_Normalize_Process= Normalizing...
  406. MSG_Compressor_Process= Compressring...
  407. MSG_Expander_Process= Expander...
  408. MSG_ChannelConverter_Process= Converting channels...
  409. MSG_Vibrato_Process= Adding vibrato...
  410. MSG_Delay_Process= Making a delay effect...
  411. MSG_Phaser_Process= Applying phasing effect...
  412. MSG_Flanger_Process= Adding a flanging effect...
  413. MSG_Reverb_Process= Adding reverberation...
  414. MSG_Chorus_Process= Adding chorus...
  415. MSG_Reverse_Process= Reversing...
  416. MSG_Invert_Process= Inverting...
  417. MSG_Pitch_Process= Applying pitch shift effect...
  418. MSG_Resample_Process= Applying resample effect...
  419. MSG_StertchTime_Process= Stretching time...
  420. MSG_Notch_Process= Applying notch filter...
  421. MSG_BandPass_Process= Applying bandpass filter...
  422. MSG_LowPass_Process= Applying lowpass filter...
  423. MSG_HighPass_Process= Applying highpass filter...
  424. MSG_LowShelf_Process= Applying lowshelf filter...
  425. MSG_HighShelf_Process= Applying highshelf filter...
  426. MSG_PeakEQ_Process= Applying Peak EQ Filter...
  427. MSG_CNoise_Process= Applying cassette noise reduction...
  428. MSG_VNoise_Process= Applying voice breath reduction...
  429. MSG_Save_Process= Saving audio file...
  430. Action_New=New... 
  431. Action_New_Hint=Creates a new file.
  432. Action_Close=Close
  433. Action_Close_Hint=Closes current file.
  434. Action_Open=Open...
  435. Action_Open_Hint=Opens a new sound file.
  436. Action_Save=Save
  437. Action_Save_Hint=Saves current file.
  438. Action_SaveAs=Save As...
  439. Action_SaveAs_Hint=Saves current file as different name.
  440. Action_SaveSelectionAs=Save Selection As...
  441. Action_SaveSelectionAs_Hint=Save Selection As...
  442. Action_Exit=Exit
  443. Action_Exit_Hint=Quits.
  444. Action_Undo=Undo
  445. Action_Undo_Hint=Reverses the last edit operation.
  446. Action_Redo=Redo
  447. Action_Redo_Hint=Redoes the last action that was undone.
  448. Action_EditLeftChannel=Edit Left Channel
  449. Action_EditLeftChannel_Hint=Switch to left channel editing.
  450. Action_EditRightChannel=Edit Right Channel
  451. Action_EditRightChannel_Hint=Switch to right channel editing.
  452. Action_EditBothChannel=Edit Both Channel
  453. Action_EditBothChannel_Hint=Switch to both channel editing
  454. Action_Cut=Cut
  455. Action_Cut_Hint=Cuts the selection and puts it on the clipboard.
  456. Action_Copy=Copy
  457. Action_Copy_Hint=Copies the selection and puts it in a temp file.
  458. Action_Paste=Paste
  459. Action_Paste_Hint=Inserts copied contents at the insertion point.
  460. Action_MixPaste=Mix Paste...
  461. Action_MixPaste_Hint=Mixes the selected parts clipboard of an audio file with copied contents.
  462. Action_MixFromFile=Mix from File...
  463. Action_MixFromFile_Hint=Mixes the selected parts clipboard of an audio file with another file.
  464. Action_SelectEntireWave=Select Entire Wave
  465. Action_SelectEntireWave_Hint=Selects the entire sound file.
  466. Action_DeleteSelection=Delete Selection
  467. Action_DeleteSelection_Hint=Removes the selection without putting it on the clipboard.
  468. Action_DeleteSilence=Delete Silence...
  469. Action_DeleteSilence_Hint=Delete silent section.
  470. Action_Trim=Trim...
  471. Action_Trim_Hint=Adds trim effect to the selected parts of the audio file.
  472. Action_Crop=Crop
  473. Action_Crop_Hint=Deletes all data outside of the current selection.
  474. Action_ConvertSampleType=Convert Sample Type...
  475. Action_ConvertSampleType_Hint=Convert the audio file to another type
  476. Action_AddCueList=Add Current Selection to Cue List
  477. Action_AddCueList_Hint=Add Current Selection to Cue List
  478. Action_OpenCueList=Open Cue List...
  479. Action_OpenCueList_Hint=Open Cue List...
  480. Action_WaveformMode=Waveform Mode
  481. Action_WaveformMode_Hint=Switch visual expression to waveform mode.
  482. Action_SpectralMode=Spectral Mode
  483. Action_SpectralMode_Hint=Switch visual expression to spectral mode.
  484. Action_SwitchViewMode=Switch View Mode
  485. Action_SwitchViewMode_Hint=Switch View Mode.
  486. Action_HorizontalFormatDecimcal=Decimcal (m:ss.dddd)
  487. Action_HorizontalFormatDecimcal_Hint=Decimcal (m:ss.dddd)
  488. Action_HorizontalFormatSample=Sample
  489. Action_HorizontalFormatSample_Hint=Sample
  490. Action_HorizontalFormatVisible=Visible
  491. Action_HorizontalFormatVisible_Hint=Visible
  492. Action_VerticalFormatSample=Sample Values
  493. Action_VerticalFormatSample_Hint=Sample Values
  494. Action_VerticalFormatNormalized=Normalized Values
  495. Action_VerticalFormatNormalized_Hint=Normalized Values
  496. Action_VerticalFormatDecibel=Decibel Values
  497. Action_VerticalFormatDecibel_Hint=Decibel Values
  498. Action_VerticalFormatVisiable=Visible
  499. Action_VerticalFormatVisiable_Hint=Visible
  500. Action_ZoomIn=Zoom In
  501. Action_ZoomIn_Hint=Zooms in for a more detailed view.
  502. Action_ZoomOut=Zoom Out
  503. Action_ZoomOut_Hint=Zooms out for a better overview.
  504. Action_FullZoom=Full Zoom
  505. Action_FullZoom_Hint=Zooms in full.
  506. Action_ZoomInSelection=Zoom In Selection
  507. Action_ZoomInSelection_Hint=Maximizes the selected area in the data window.
  508. Action_VerticalZoomIn=Vertical Zoom In
  509. Action_VerticalZoomIn_Hint=Vertical Zoom In.
  510. Action_VerticalZoomOut=Vertical Zoom Out
  511. Action_VerticalZoomOut_Hint=Vertical Zoom Out.
  512. Action_ZoomToRight=Zoom To Right
  513. Action_ZoomToRight_Hint=Zoom To Right.
  514. Action_ZoomToLeft=Zoom To Left
  515. Action_ZoomToLeft_Hint=Zoom To Left.
  516. Action_SetSelection=Selection Tool
  517. Action_SetSelection_Hint=Selects a specified region for the sound file.
  518. Action_Invert=Inver
  519. Action_Invert_Hint=Turns the waveform upside down.
  520. Action_Reverse=Reverse
  521. Action_Reverse_Hint=Reverses the selection so it plays backwards.
  522. Action_SilenceSelection=Silence
  523. Action_SilenceSelection_Hint=Silences the selected region.
  524. Action_Amplify=Amplify...
  525. Action_Amplify_Hint=Increases or decreases the volume of selected region.
  526. Action_Normalize=Normalize...
  527. Action_Normalize_Hint=Normalizes the selected region.
  528. Action_FadeCustom=Fade Custom...
  529. Action_FadeCustom_Hint=Fade in/out with customized configuration
  530. Action_FadeIn=Fade In
  531. Action_FadeIn_Hint=Fades in over the selected region.
  532. Action_FadeOut=Fade Out
  533. Action_FadeOut_Hint=Fades out over the selected region.
  534. Action_Compressor=Compressor...
  535. Action_Compressor_Hint=Performs amplitude compression.
  536. Action_ChannelConverter=Mix Stereo Channels...
  537. Action_ChannelConverter_Hint=Configure mixed audio from channels.
  538. Action_Vibrato=Vibrato...
  539. Action_Vibrato_Hint=Adds vibrato to the selection.
  540. Action_Delay=Delay...
  541. Action_Delay_Hint=Makes a delay effect in a selected part of an audio file.
  542. Action_Phaser=Phaser...
  543. Action_Phaser_Hint=Applies phasing effect to the selected part of an audio file.
  544. Action_Flanger=Flanger...
  545. Action_Flanger_Hint=Adds a flanging effect to the selection.
  546. Action_Reverb=Reverb...
  547. Action_Reverb_Hint=Adds reverberation to the sound.
  548. Action_Chorus=Chorus...
  549. Action_Chorus_Hint=Add chorus effect.
  550. Action_Cassette=Cassette Noise Reduction
  551. Action_Cassette_Hint=Reduce cassette noise
  552. Action_Voice=Voice Breath Noise Reduction
  553. Action_Voice_Hint=Reduce recorded breath
  554. Action_Expander=Expander...
  555. Action_Expander_Hint=Adds expander effect to the audio
  556. Action_StretchTime=Stretch Time...
  557. Action_StretchTime_Hint=Increase or decrease the speed of selected region.
  558. Action_PitchShift=Pitch Shift...
  559. Action_PitchShift_Hint=Changes the pitch.
  560. Action_NotchFilter=Notch Filter...
  561. Action_NotchFilter_Hint=Applies Notch Filter to the selected part of an audio file.
  562. Action_BandPass=Band Pass...
  563. Action_BandPass_Hint=Applies Band Pass Filter to the selected part of an audio file.
  564. Action_LowPass=Low Pass...
  565. Action_LowPass_Hint=Applies Low Pass Filter to the selected part of an audio file.
  566. Action_HighPass=High Pass...
  567. Action_HighPass_Hint=Applies High Pass Filter to the selected part of an audio file.
  568. Action_LowShelf=Low Shelf...
  569. Action_LowShelf_Hint=Applies Low Shelf Filter to the selected part of an audio file.
  570. Action_HighShelf=High Shelf...
  571. Action_HighShelf_Hint=Applies High Shelf Filter to the selected part of an audio file.
  572. Action_PeakEQFilter=Peak EQ Filter...
  573. Action_PeakEQFilter_Hint=Applies PeakEQ Filter to the selected part of an audio file.
  574. Action_InsertSilence=Silence...
  575. Action_InsertSilence_Hint=Inserts some silence into the file at the start marker.
  576. Action_AddNoise=Noise...
  577. Action_AddNoise_Hint=Add noise in the track
  578. Action_ShowFrequencyAnalyze=Show Frequency Analyze
  579. Action_ShowFrequencyAnalyze_Hint=Analyze the track frequency
  580. Action_Settings=Settings...
  581. Action_Settings_Hint=Settings...
  582. Action_OutputFormatSetting=Output Format...
  583. Action_OutputFormatSetting_Hint=Output Format...
  584. Action_LoadWindowsRecordingMixer=Windows Recording Mixer...
  585. Action_LoadWindowsRecordingMixer_Hint=Windows Recording Mixer...
  586. Action_HelpContents=Help Contents
  587. Action_HelpContents_Hint=Help Contents
  588. Action_Registration=Registration
  589. Action_Registration_Hint=Registration
  590. Action_OrderOnline=Order Online
  591. Action_OrderOnline_Hint=Order Online
  592. Action_SupportOrBugReport=Support Or Bug Report
  593. Action_SupportOrBugReport_Hint=Support Or Bug Report
  594. Action_HomePage=Home Page
  595. Action_HomePage_Hint=Home Page
  596. Action_About=About...
  597. Action_About_Hint=About...
  598. Action_Play=Play
  599. Action_Play_Hint=Plays from the current cursor position.
  600. Action_Pause=Pause
  601. Action_Pause_Hint=Stops playback and leaves the cursor at the current location.
  602. Action_PlayLoop=Play Loop
  603. Action_PlayLoop_Hint=Plays the selected region looped.
  604. Action_Record=Record
  605. Action_Record_Hint=Records new sound data.
  606. Action_Stop=Stop
  607. Action_Stop_Hint=Stops playback.
  608. Action_SeekToStart=Seek To Start
  609. Action_SeekToStart_Hint=Sets the cursor position to the start of the sample.
  610. Action_SeekToEnd=Seek To End
  611. Action_SeekToEnd_Hint=Sets the cursor position to the end of the sample.
  612. Action_PlayToEnd=Play To End
  613. Action_PlayToEnd_Hint=Play To End
  614. Action_Forward=Forward
  615. Action_Forward_Hint=Forward
  616. Action_Rewind=Backward
  617. Action_Rewind_Hint=Backward
  618. MSG_Menu_EditChannel=Edit Channel
  619. MSG_Menu_HorizontalScaleFormat=Horizontal Scale &Format
  620. MSG_Menu_VerticalScaleFormat=Vertical Scale &Format
  621. MSG_Menu_Amplitude=Amplitude
  622. MSG_Menu_Fade=Fade
  623. MSG_Menu_DelayEffects=Delay Effects
  624. MSG_Menu_Filters=Filters
  625. MSG_Menu_TimePitch=Time/Pitch
  626. MSG_Menu_File=File
  627. MSG_Menu_Edit=Edit
  628. MSG_Menu_Play=Play
  629. MSG_Menu_View=View
  630. MSG_Menu_Effect=Effect
  631. MSG_Menu_NoiseReduction=Noise Reduction
  632. MSG_Menu_Generate=Generate
  633. MSG_Menu_Analyze=Analyze
  634. MSG_Menu_Options=Options
  635. MSG_Menu_Help=Help
  636. MSG_Splash_Not_Exist=An error occurred while opening file:#13#13The file "%s" could not be found. Please reinstall %s!
  637. MSG_Splash_Not_Exist_Title=Error
  638. MSG_Incalid_OggFormat=Invalid OGG Settings! Please reset it in "Output Format Settings"!    
  639. MSG_Incalid_OggFormat_Title=Invalid OGG Settings
  640. MSG_AlReady_Registerd=You have already registered!
  641. MSG_AlReady_Registerd_Title=Already Registered
  642. MSG_Language=Language
  643. MSG_DoNotDisplay2=Don''t display this screen next time
  644. Action_ShowWelcomeWindow=Show Welcome Window...
  645. Action_ShowWelcomeWindow_Hint=Show Welcome Window...
  646. MSG_No_Dat_File=Can not find system file "%s".#13#13Please re-install the program and try again.
  647. MSG_No_Dat_File_Title=Can not find file
  648. MSG_Not_Registered=Unregistered version! Operation is inaccessible! Do you want to register now? 
  649. MSG_Not_Registered_Title=Unregistered
  650. MSG_OutputFormat=Output Format
  651. MSG_Short_Start=Start
  652. MSG_Short_End=End
  653. MSG_Short_Length=Length
  654. MSG_Short_Sel=Sel
  655. MSG_Short_View =View